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The legacy of Volkier Bentinck

  • An enthusiastic study group was formed In 1998 to study the theoretical basis of Volkier Bentinck’s massage and practise it together with him.
    The surviving (female) participants of this study group are still active in the group or have one or the other supporting role. This is all due to the enthusiasm for the healing effect of this massage on the health of the human being. Do read the other articles in this website. In the course of time the group grew as new people felt a connection to it. From the original group a completely new movement has come about, and one can read below where this has led:
  • The Foundation, the Board of which comprises Petra Stoutjesdijk who is a nurse, retired anthroposophical school physician Maaike Hoorweg Ory, Truus Burghouwt, a retired nurse, and Marion Gores, a nurse.
  • The training, which takes place in Amersfoort. Teachers: Petra Stoutjesdijk (nurse), Alice van Kuilenburg (physiotherapist), Annemarie Schennink (anthroposophic doctor) and Brigitte van Cleijnebreugel (art therapist).
    A collaboration has come about with Plegan Opleidingen (Training Courses) whereby Mirjam Zonneveld gives support in writing up lesson modules and applying for accreditation, among other things. At the moment a manual is being written.
    The course is self-financing and has already successfully trained many colleagues spread out over our country, as well as some colleagues from Ireland and Belgium.
  • Books and brochures
  • Representation to IAABT: the International Association for Anthroposophic Body Therapies. For a number of years now also the medical massage therapy of Volkier Bentinck has been represented in this group, which is better known as ‘KörperTherapeuten” (Body therapists) of the Medical Section in Dornach, Switzerland.
  • A website:
  • Donor status:
    After 21 years we have reached adulthood and it feels like a good time to take new steps. 

What is occupying us?
Because this type of massage is a Dutch ‘product’ it needs to be explored and made known internationally. We do this, for example, by showing up at the IAABT, but we also to aim to find colleagues in countries like Germany, Switzerland and Belgium who can train people in their countries.
Funds are needed for:

  • PR
  • Translation of website and of the ‘Gezichtspunten’ [‘Viewpoints’, tr.] nr. 70
  • Travel and accommodation costs

Are you someone who appreciates our work and wishes to support it with a one-time or an annual contribution?

For a one-time donation of € 25,- or a pledge of an annual donation of minimum € 15,- we will send you a complimentary copy of ‘Gezichtspunten nr 70’ on the Medical Massage Therapy of Volkier Bentinck.
As a donor you will also receive a 10% reduction if you order Volkier Bentinck’s books ‘Medical Massage Therapy’, and: ‘What is special about Rudolf Steiner’s Eurythmy Therapy’.
Please transfer your donation to “Volkier Bentinck stichting”, IBAN: NL 81 INGB 0009 51 19 34   
Alternatively announce yourself as a donor, including your name, address, email address and the amount you wish to donate, to:  or phone: 0031619728804

Many thanks,
for the Board of directors of the Volkier Bentinck Foundation